With three million users and used by 1,500 schools, mathletics is the king of children's math game.
Manga High
Set up by Toby Rowland, son of the tycoon Tiny Rowland, the site offers dozens of maths games and is being trialled in several London schools as a teaching aid.
Lets schools compete agaisnt ecah other in maths, spelling and algebra.
BBC Schools
A huge range of games, information and programmes.
Tate Kids
Online galleries and games showing off the Tate's colection.
BBBC CBeebies
Games and information from children's programmes.
Nina and the Neutrons
Colourful site which recreates the science experiments from the hit BBC TV show online, ad adds coluring in games and songs.
National History Museum for Kids
A great range of games quizzes and facts for children, including some amazing 3D recreations of dinosaurs.