Too many schools are failing to give disadvantaged children the support they need

06 October 2014

School GirlsResponding to the Social Mobility and Child Poverty Commission’s report on how schools can improve social mobility, 4Children Chief Executive Anne Longfield OBE said:

Shockingly, the report shows how too many schools are failing to give disadvantaged children the support and backing needed to succeed in school and beyond.

“Currently, without the right support, the odds are stacked against children from disadvantaged backgrounds. They are less likely to do well in school or get a well paid job and are more likely to have poor health and die younger.

“We know that the gap between disadvantaged and better off children starts early. Currently, for too many poorer children, if they have fallen behind by the age of seven, their chances of catching up are very slight.

“Schools must make narrowing that gap one of their utmost priorities.  We know that schools can and do reverse this trend but too many schools are failing to do so. All schools must set high aspirations and expectations for children of all backgrounds and put in place the support needed for all children to achieve their potential.”


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